Are you creatively stuck?
Need a push to get your artistic and
creative energy flowing?
Then you need to participate in the FRC² Art
Prompts!Here is how it works:
You'll find a new
random-word(s) inspiration every month just for FRC² artists and
Follow these simple FRC² guidelines:
1. Your submitted piece
must be your original writing, art, or photography.
2. You may submit one
original piece per monthly art prompt.
3. We are not going to accept artwork
that depicts anything sexual or violent content.
4. No vulgarity towards
other members will be accepted. You will be banned from posting in the FRC²
community if that happens.
5. Post your original work in the FRC² gallery
under the corresponding Art Prompt for the month.
6. FRC²
members can log on to the FRC² gallery and enjoy original work and leave a
friendly comment or critique for you.
7. The idea is to focus, refine, and
reflect on your creative process!
Let the creativity begin!
is the art prompt for the month of June: